During pregnancy, a woman gains about 9-12 kg weight. Losing the extra increased weight is very necessary for her mental and physical health. If the woman remains overweight she can suffer from Diabetes or high blood pressure later on in life.

Post-delivery she looses 3-5 kg rapidly. It is important to try to decrease the rest of your weight gradually after she has recovered physically post-delivery, she should take advice from Gynaecologist in Baner.
Post-delivery it takes approximately six weeks for this recovery. Try to lose weight over the next several months with the help of a good diet and daily workout. Breastfeeding also helps with post-pregnancy weight loss.
If the woman is unable to reduce the pregnancy weight then she may develop heart problems later on in life. She may develop diabetes or hypertension. Due to excess weight, she may develop depression. Next pregnancy and delivery will also be difficult.
With the excess weight, She may also develop the polycystic ovarian disease, which will lead to hormonal imbalance and difficulty in conceiving later on. Fibroids are also more common in overweight women.